“Sit Still, Jackson” is a delightful and engaging children’s book that tells the tale of a small, squirmy boy named Jackson who yearns to be taller. To his surprise, he discovers that sitting still makes him grow taller. However, as he continues to grow to extraordinary heights, he finds himself alone and misses his old life. Realizing being tall isn’t everything, Jackson embarks on an incredible journey across the country to shrink back to his normal size.
In this beautifully illustrated story, young readers will learn valuable lessons about acceptance, understanding that it’s okay to be different, and that being oneself is more important than fitting societal norms. This heartwarming book is sure to be a favorite for children and parents alike. It not only entertains but also provides conversation starters about self-love, friendship, and family. Suitable for ages 4-8.
Jackson wants to be bigger. Then one day, a helpful librarian gives him an idea about how he can grow fast. Jackson begins to grow and grow! But when he gets too big, Jackson has to figure out how to get small again, learning the lesson that it’s not always best to get what you want.